Prices for Car Key Programming

Prices for Car Key Programming

How much does it cost to get transponder key programmed?

With the ever-changing landscape of vehicle security, it's important for auto locksmiths to have a broad understanding of the security systems available, as well as the appropriate tools to tackle each one.

As a result the cost of programming a new transponder key can vary greatly based on the year your vehicle was manufactured, the make and model of your car, and the type of programming required.

  • The price for a basic transponder key programming typically starts around $50, but can rise to $220 or more depending on additional services you might need.
  • Remote car keys, which combine the key and remote into a single unit, tend to be more expensive to program than standard keys. Prices for these can range from $130 to $280, depending on the type of key you require.
  • The most costly keys to program are Proximity Keys. Those demand advanced programming, as they are more complex and require specialized car key programmers. Prices for these start at $220 and can go as high as $400 or more.

Let’s Solve Your Vehicle Key Issues

Whether you’re locked out, need a new key, or have a broken ignition, I’m here to help. Reach out today, and let me provide the solutions you need!
